Sunday, 1 August 2010

Preparation Preparation Preparation!

So, I’ve been spending the last few days trying to get ready for going into hospital on Wednesday night. I don’t think I really appreciated how much there was to do! Been trying to sort out everything I’ll need for my stay; clothes, pyjamas, books, computer, dvds, toiletries. And there’s the things I have to sort out like work and money and making sure I’ve spoken to and seen as many of my friends as possible.I am worrying a bit that I won’t have time to fit it all in, but I’ll manage to do enough I’m sure.

I’ve been trying not to think about things too much. I’m just focusing on the operation for now, it’s important I use my energy to recover from the operation and get my strength back to fight this as hard as I can. I’m not too worried about the operation, my surgeon seems really good and I feel like I’m in the best possible hands. I know the NHS gets its fair share of bad press, but I’m very confident I’ll get the best care possible. Besides, I have so much support from all my amazing friends and family who will help me get through this I have no doubt!!

I’m not going to spend any time moping about and feeling sorry for myself, because that’s such a waste of time. You only get one life so no matter what it throws at you you need to keep positive and get on with things or you’ll definitely regret it one day!!

Naturally I am scared, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t, but I’m determined not to let it get the better of me. There are some amazing sources of support out there, especially the macmillan cancer support website, hearing other peoples stories of conquering similar situations is a huge encouragement and people have been so kind to me.

Thank you so much for everyone’s support and please keep reading and i’ll try to keep it interesting!! xxxx

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