Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Hopsital food never tasted so good!

Hello to all again! Having another good day. Everyone is very pleased with my progress. Onto eating some food today, she tried me on a yogurt this morning and I managed to have mashed potato and pureed corn beef for tea so I’m making progress. It is so nice to eat again just to taste some food; which I can!! My taste seems pretty unaffected which I’m really pleased with. My speech is getting better, the therapists are quite confident that once the swelling has gone down I should sound quite normal again. Lucy has brought me some of Joshua’s food in to snack on for now, but I will beat him to being onto proper solids, the race is on!!

It’s funny, I definitely underestimated how huge the operation was. I haven’t seen anyone else have anything as extensive as me done, but because as I’m on average 40 years younger than everyone else I’m healing so much faster. There are things I thought would be worse like me speech and things I didn’t even really consider, like the 7 inch scar on my thigh!!

Still look very swollen on my left side which might take another 2-3 weeks to go down (and I might “always look a bit wonky” according to my surgeon. The man is a genius but not the most tactful, among his other quotes to me have been “we’ll take the skin flap from your thigh because that’s the biggest part of you” and “don’t worry about loosing some weight because you have got weight to loose” it’s a good job for him that he’s saving my life!!) and obviously going to have scars, but I couldn’t care less. Maybe if it was all caused by an accident or something it would seem more unfair, but the scars will just be a reminder of what I’ve been through and how strong I can be. Besides without the scars I’d still have the cancer so they are definitely better than that!! Right now I want the swelling to go because that’s what is keeping me up at night, I just can’t get comfortable!

Hopefully I’m due to come out at the beginning of next week when all my stitches are out and I’m feeling a bit more sturdy. I know I’m starting to feel better now because I’m asking more questions and think about things like actually having a proper shower!

The girls on the ward have been keeping my spirits up and I have to keep an eye on that Sybil when Kev comes to visit, I can see that twinkle in her eye!


  1. Ruth, you are bloody Brilliant. I LOVE YOU!! xx

  2. Good to see you today, you've made so much progress in such a short time! Joshua ate about 20 raspberries this morning so there is your target to beat.

  3. Alice Collington11 August 2010 at 17:42

    Haha! I love the sound of your surgeon... classic quotes. xxxxxx

  4. Laura Hutchinson12 August 2010 at 07:19

    great to read all about how you are getting on. You are doing so well! Lots of love xxx

  5. you'll be glad to hear that there is a very heavy emphasis on communication skills at medical school nowadays!! so glad to hear you sounding so chirpy, lots of love xxxxxx

  6. "Besides without the scars I’d still have the cancer"
    Thats one of the most positive ways of thinking about it. When I was 8 we went to Malta on holiday and thanks to my mums cancer she had her speen removed and left with a 9inch scar thats also an ince n half thick.
    One day by the pool some women, in her 30's (so you'd think she'd know better), walked past n said to her friend "You'd think she's cover THAT up so we didn't have to look at it" so I chased after her and told her without 'THAT' I wouldn't have a mum and maybe she should keep her nasty thoughts to herself because one day she might have a scar that saved her life.

    So glad you're on the mend and able to eat again! Keep up the good work :O)

