Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It's nice being well again!!

Hello again everyone! I realise it’s been a while since I last updated this so thought I would say hi. It’s now nearly 8 months since my operation and 5 months since all my treatment finished. It all feels like a life time ago to me and I’m still feeling so lucky to be over the other side of it all now. It was a really rough 3 months, but I’m glad that’s all it lasted. I’m on to having 2 monthly check ups with Mr Brown and 4 monthlys with the oncologist. At my last appointment Mr Brown was really pleased with everything. He really feels that they made the right decision with the treatment they gave me, he’s sure the cancer is definitely all gone and feels there is very little reason to worry about it ever returning. It’s amazing news to be told and I’m just so happy to have beaten it! He’s also really pleased with the function I have left in my tongue, especially my speech, which is pretty much back to normal now, at least you would never guess I’m actually missing 2/3 of my tongue!!
Otherwise, life is getting back to normal, spending time with my friends and Kev. I’m having a big party at the end of march to celebrate my birthday and being better!! I’m going back to work at the beginning of April so that’s very exciting!!
I can’t thank everyone who has supported me over the last year enough. It’s a horrible journey to go on, but all of you have made it so much easier!!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Ruth,

    Glad to hear your Cancer is gone! I work with the Mesothelioma Cancer Center and work to spread awareness on Mesothelioma Cancers and Asbestos exposure. Would it be possible to have a link to posted on your links article?

    I wish you all the best!

