Saturday, 30 October 2010

Getting there slowly but surely

Hello everyone! Sorry, it’s been a while since I last blogged! Not much has been going on to be honest, I’ve just been at home relaxing and getting better. My Mouth is slowly getting better and less sore. Just practicing eating again now. Its funny how your tongue forgets how to work properly when you don’t use it for a while! But, I’ll enjoy re-training it I’m sure! Still got to be careful about the types of things I eat, got to still be pretty bland, but it’s getting better bit by bit! It has been very frustrating not being able to eat well, but I’ll be making up for it in no time!
Otherwise I’m doing well. I’m very tired most of the time, not sleeping very well, despite the sleeping tablets, but hopefully that will get better as I start to recover. I’m just in pain and generally a bit too uncomfortable to sleep through the night. Not to mention needing to wee at least 5 times a night!?! (I’m not even sure what that’s about!) Hopefully it’ll all start to feel better soon and I’ll be able to come off the pain killers as well, which I’m sure are making me sleepy during the day too.
Back to see my consultant on Wednesday for a check up. Nothing major, he just wants to make sure I’m doing ok and healing as well as I should be.
Not much else to report, I’m just chilling in Thirsk, not really doing anything so not really got anything to tell. Missing Liverpool and all my friends so much, can’t wait to be back with you guys joining in on all the fun!
It is a strange feeling now that all the treatment is over. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. It's been such a short, but intense experience it's hard to get your head around. Think I'm still trying to process everything at the moment, I definitely still have my moments of remembering what I've been through and just being like 'I can't believe that happened?!?'
Will try and keep this updated more, but for now take it as no news is good news!!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you're on the mend Ruth! Keep up the good work! Quince xxxx
