Saturday, 11 September 2010

The lessers of two evils.......

Chemoradiation and my un-straightened hair!

Hello everyone!
Started my treatment this week, had my night in hospital on wednesday night to have my chemotherapy. Everything went well with that, didn’t feel too sick and haven’t since so I’m pleased about that. Have felt a bit sick, but the anti-sickness drugs are really good and keep it controlled really well. I also learnt that the type of chemotherapy drug I’m on (Cisplatin, if that means anything to anyone) shouldn’t make all my hair fall out. It can make it more brittle and a bit thinner but as long as I take good care of it it should stay in ok condition. So that’s a bonus!
The radiotherapy has been fine so far, will be a couple of weeks before I get any side effects from that. Otherwise I’m just very very tired, lots of rest and early nights for me!
Just trying to stay positive still, fingers crossed I’ll get over the next few weeks over with and my test results will be clear and I’ll be well on my way to recovering. Everyone’s been really positive about my prognosis so far so there’s no reason I can’t beat this!!
I know the next few weeks will be tough, but it’s what I have to do to get over this cancer, so bring it on I say!!!!


  1. I love you Ruth and you're doing so great so far :) glad its going ok for you and yes just keep positive everything will be fine (have u read or seen the secret? its about positivity :) ) loveu lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. You are an inspiration to everyone!! Love Fiona xx

  3. Hi my name is Maggie,
    Not quite your age but been through the same. Had cancer of the tongue and they used muscle from my arm to replace the half they removed - plumbed into the blood supply. They removed the lymph glands and i had daily radio-t for 6 weeks. Have come out the other side and am just going for 3 month checkups now. Hope this gives you hope. I was put onto you by Sue Ambus who is obviously very concerned. If you want to ask anything I will follow your blog and help in anyway I can. keep your spirits up -


  4. lots of love to you ruth. bernard
